






Smart City China Report Publication By OAV



China's urban population is rapidly growing: 59 percent of its population is living in cities already. By 2050 this number is expected to increase to 80 percent. The Chinese government is pushing the development of smart cities counting around 500 pilots already. New and sustainable mobility solutions, distributed energy generation, automated waste management, personalized healthcare, digital integration – these innovations are key for the development of China’s urban future and offer business opportunities for German high-tech companies.


The German Asia-Pacific Business Association (OAV) collaborated with Siemens and Volkswagen Group China to closely examine “China’s Urban Future”. The corresponding report assesses the potentials and opportunities that China’s urbanization offers, as well as possible solutions for the challenges that come with it.



Furthermore, the report scrutinizes the five most important city clusters in China as well as six priority areas for smart cities in the future. Those five clusters represent a sum of over 500 million people and a total of 97 cities. This allows the report to position smart cities within the context of the government’s own priorities. Apart from Siemens and VW, numerous other members of the OAV took part in the report, including EGS-plan international GmbH, sister company of energydesign Shanghai. The contributions range from sustainable urban and building energy efficiency, water-collecting parks to medical emergency equipment and sustainable mobility concepts. The report is meant to facilitate the entry into the Chinese market for German companies as well as to improve already existing business relations.


You can find the full report in the download section.



The report will also be published in Chinese at a latter point. Several events in conjunction with the report are planned both in Germany and China. There will be an official event for the publication of the Smart City China report on 14 March 2019 in Hamburg. For further information, please click Here.


中国的城市人口正在增长:59%的人口已经在城市生活。到2050年,这一数字预计将增加到80%。中国政府正在推动智能城市的发展,已计入约500个试点项目。崭新的、可持续的移动解决方案,分布式能源生成,自动化废物管理,个性化医疗保健,数字集成 - 这些是中国城市未来发展的关键,也为德国高科技公司提供商机。




此外,该报告还审查了中国五个最重要的城市群、以及未来智能城市的六个优先领域。这五个集群共容纳了超过5亿人口,共有97个城市。这使得报告能够在政府自身优先排序的背景下来筛选智能城市。除了西门子和大众之外,OAV的许多其他成员都参与了这份报告,设能的姊妹公司EGS-plan international GmbH位列其中。报告 包括了可持续区域级建筑能效、集水公园、医疗应急设备和可持续交通概念方面的内容。该报告有助于德国相关机构增进对中国市场的了解,并加深现有的联系。


您可以在下载部分找到完整的报告。 下载


该报告还希望在后期以中文出版,组织方计划在德国和中国举办一些与报告相关的活动,并将于2019年3月14日在汉堡举办一个智慧城市中国报告的正式发布活动。详情请戳: 这里






