DGNB International Consultant Training for Urban Districts held in Beijing






From 2nd Dec. to 4th Dec. 2016, Joseph van der Elst and Sebastian Schulz from energydesign (Shanghai) attended the first DGNB International Consultant Training for Urban Districts at Tsinghua University, Beijing. The training participants will be the first DGNB consultants of this kind in China. The event was organized by the German DGNB Academy in cooperation with Tsinghua University and covered the relevant topics of the DGNB certification scheme for urban, business and entertainment districts. Discussed issues revolved around urban design, economic viability, resource management, mobility, biodiversity, pollution reduction and urban climate, as well as energy efficient solutions on the urban scale. The participants evaluated the German standards and requirements of sustainable urban development and its possible adaptation for Chinese practice. With now two International Urban District Consultants on board, energydesign (Shanghai) is looking forward to the first DGNB urban district projects in China.


2016年12月2日至12月4日,设能建筑咨询(上海)有限公司的Joseph van der Elst和Sebastian Schulz参加了在清华大学举办的第一届德国DGNB区域认证国际顾问培训。此次培训的参与者将会是中国第一批DGNB区域认证顾问。该活动由DGNB可持续建筑委员会与清华大学合作举办,涵盖了DGNB城区、商业区和娱乐休闲区的认证主题。会上主要围绕城市设计、经济可行性、资源管理、交通便利性、生物多样性、减少污染和城市气候,以及城市规模的节能解决方案展开讨论,与会人员也评估了德国可持续城市发展的标准和要求在中国实践应用的可能性。 设能建筑咨询(上海)有限公司期待借助两个区域认证顾问的力量,实现中国第一个DGNB区域认证项目。


